These things are so cool. Im like addicted to these things. The as you look they will start spinning. I have have no idea why. You could find alot more on this website
Filibusters. Filibuster is a realy long speech that can go on for days. The speech can be used to prevent the adoption of measure. It is used to force a decsion against the will of thhe majority. The longest one ever recorded was 24 hours! Some people I know can't even pay attention for just 5 minutes.
Even though it feels like Thanksgiving was just yesterday its already Christmas time. It just the beggining of December and everyone has already began christmas shopping. Even though that the economic crisis will probably leave a lilttle less presents under the tree. I hope that people will really care less about the presents and use the time to be with their family.
How come every one has just forgotten about Thanksgiving. All the commercials that are on the air are already about Christmas. Well I haven't forgotten bout the turkey.
Vetrans day isnt just a day off from school it's a chance to honor those who served for our country. I hope you guys actually take this day for what its for.
I think that we should allow Affirmative Action, because in many cases many minorities could be under privlaged and should be givin some extra oppurtunity to get into college. I believe that if a college saw a minority or a white person that they would choose the white person due to the fact that many schools populated by minorities dont offer as many classes as a school populated by white people. For this reason i believe race should be a factor
Can anyone say a Black President? I definitely know who I'm voting for. I don't know why we would want to continue the war anyways thats just more money out of our pocket that Mccain is just dying to take from us. It would probably be nice to see a Democrat as president anyways.